MLB Freitagslesung – a brief account and a big thank you!
Even before my first novel was published, I have participated in author’s readings whenever I could, but the pandemic put a halt to any direct exchange with the audience. Of course, I have been doing zoom readings, like everyone else. And it has been fun to read to people abroad I would probably never have reached otherwise. But the connection is different. It is rare that one creates a moment so memorable that it sticks to your mind.
As a student I have been a very committed actress. First in the school’s drama club and then later on at university, until exam preparations began to severly limit my free time. I still think it is a great art form. To step into another person’s shoes and to act out another character’s emotion is certainly one of the highest forms of empathy. But what has always amazed me is how you can sense on stage when you begin to capture the audience. I don’t think this feeling can be fully explained by rational means. There is an energy that transpires to you when you hit the right tone, get fully into the emotion during a monologue. Suddenly the connection is there and it is a breathtaking feeling. And it is even more amazing to experience the same when reading, even more so that this time it is not something you act out, but it is your very own words that do the magic.
I was therefore especially grateful that the Münchner Literaturbüro has been one of the first to open its doors to live readings, with a real audience. With restrictions of course, so the audience inevitably is smaller than usual. But especially the smaller, more intimate readings can lead to the most precious experiences. And that was the case here, I am grateful for a very memorable Freitagslesung! A smooth organization upfront, a very enthusiastic and well-prepared moderator and a lovely audience. I am very grateful that I got this space to share my art and to connect with readers again. A big thanks to Wolfram Hirche and Philipp Stoll of MlB, a great start into the new season and many more will follow.
So I hope to see you next time, and also don’t forget to check out MlB’s event calendar every now and then 😉