• Writing

    In My Own Words

    About 5 years ago, when I started creative writing courses, my writing tutor recommended this book to me: In Other Words is written by the US bestselling author Jumpa Lahiri about her taking a vow to learn to write in Italian. She wrote fiction only in Italian for years. The book became a bestseller, so you may know the story. And obviously this could be a book for me as I also chose to write fiction only in a language that is not my mother tongue. For some reason, I never picked it up until now. Like people and lovers, every book has a fixed time to enter your life,…

  • Writing

    Who is Ella Voss?

    Ella Voss is the lovely lady who wrote my novel and all my other stories. It is not exactly a secret who she is. I have my photo on all the book covers and allow her to post all her work on my Facebook account. I neither send an alias to all my readings. So then, you may wonder, why use a different name at all? Basically the idea is to give an expression to the artistic part of my life. As a way to make this part of me visible and help it grow, similar to using a brand. And Ella has been around for a while. Somehow, Esther…